A Group Is Called an Array
Hedgehogs seldom assemble in great numbers. Hedgehogs are often loners who only mate.1 In a mating ritual, the male hedgehog, or boar, surrounds the female, or sow.
They Live in a Variety of Habitats
There are 17 hedgehog species worldwide. They are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa and imported to New Zealand. Hedgehogs may survive in woods, deserts, parks
They Have a Built-in Suit of Armor
Birth quills are common in hedgehogs. Some are concealed by fluid-filled skin and others by membranes. Hoglets acquire stronger spines from their weaker ones.
They Don't All Hibernate
Hedgehogs exist in several climes, thus some must hibernate during frigid winters.4 Desert hedgehogs may stay awake all year or torpor for 24 hours.
They Practice Self-Anointing
Hedgehogs take part in a unique type of self-anointing behavior. The mammals will lick and chew toxins and other irritating substances, creating a frothy mixture that they rub onto their skin and spines.
They Are Naturally Immune
Like opossums, European hedgehogs have proteins in their blood that neutralize and provide some natural immunity against snake venom.
They Pass Infections to Humans
Hedgehogs may transmit salmonella and ringworm to humans, even healthy ones, according to the CDC.Gedgehogs may also spread ticks, fleas, and mites.
Lived 125 Million Years Ago
Scientists in Spain found hedgehog-related fossils in 2015. Since Mesozoic animals had no spine-like features before, this discovery was significant.
They Roll Into a Ball to Protect
Hedgehogs form spiky balls to defend themselves and discourage predators when attacked. Hedgehogs are less tempting to badgers, foxes, and other predators when rolled.