8 Houseplants You Need In Your Home To Boost Oxygen Levels

Spider Plant

This plant has narrow leaves and is named for its small plantlets produced on long trailing stems that vaguely resemble spiders, according to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension.

Peace Lily

MiracleGro reports that peace lilies may thrive for years and produce large white peace flag-shaped blossoms. Ideal for shaded locations, they need little light and are simple to care for.

Rubber Plants

The Sill says they're simple to maintain for and simply require weekly watering. Rubber plants filter the air, research finds. Do not feed them to pets or young children since they're harmful.

Elephant Ear Plants

They require strong sunshine and frequent watering to keep the soil wet, and they may grow and need room. In tropical climates, starchy tubers from certain species constitute a staple meal.

Snake Plants

Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata), often known as mother-in-law s tongues, has vertical leaves. They look great and are low-maintenance. The plants only require water when the soil is dry


The plants grow quickly and look best inside in hanging baskets or plant stands with draped fronds. They prefer medium bright light and wet soil, so they may take longer time.


They grow well with indirect sunshine and little water. Plants may decrease indoor ozone levels and eliminate VOCs, making it easier to breathe and reducing respiratory illnesses, according to research.

English Ivy

English ivy, or Hedera helix, is a versatile plant that s been shown to lower levels of carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and toxins in the air. They can be grown outside or indoors.