8 Best Tips for Healthy Aging

Incorporate daily physical activity such as walking, gardening, and strength training to enhance longevity and quality of life.

Be Active

Increase intake of colorful fruits and vegetables while reducing sodium and managing portion sizes for better nutrition.

Eat Well

Create a safe home environment to prevent falls, and prioritize regular health screenings for vision, dental, and overall health.

Practice Prevention

Take charge of your health by managing medications, scheduling doctor visits, and following health plans consistently.

Understand Your Health Status

Establish a bedtime routine to ensure 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, crucial for rejuvenation and healthy aging.

Get Enough Sleep

Stay connected with a support system through social engagement using technology and regular visits with friends and family.

Cultivate Relationships

Stay mentally active with activities like reading, writing, and puzzles to delay cognitive decline and promote lifelong learning.

Engage Your Brain

Manage stress through positive coping mechanisms such as exercise, journaling, or seeking professional help, to maintain mental well-being during aging.

Reduce Stress